San Francisco: Golden Gate bridge
The famous Golden Gate bridge, that I rode by bike before my departure along the coast, is a landmark in the city's landscape. It was inaugurated in 1937, and its color was chosen to be harmonious with the natural environment, while being easy to see through the fog.
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Pont du Golden Gate
Golden Gate bridge
Édifice près du pont du Golden Gate
Building near Golden Gate bridge
Pont du Golden Gate
Golden Gate bridge
Pont du Golden Gate
Golden Gate bridge
Pont du Golden Gate
Golden Gate bridge
Vue du centre-ville du pont du Golden Gate
Downtown from the Golden Gate bridge
Pont du Golden Gate
Golden Gate bridge
Cyclistes sur le pont du Golden Gate
Bike riders on the Golden Gate bridge
Le vélo que j'ai loué sur le pont du Golden Gate
The bike that I rented on the Golden Gate bridge
Pont du Golden Gate direction sud
Golden Gate bridge looking south
Pont du Golden Gate direction nord
Golden Gate bridge looking north
Pont du Golden Gate vu du sud-ouest
Golden Gate bridge from the south-west
Jolies maisons sur El Camino Del Mar
Nice houses on El Camino Del Mar
Pont du Golden Gate au loin
Golden Gate Bridge afar
Pont du Golden Gate
Golden Gate Bridge
Panorama : Pont du Golden Gate vu du quai du parc aquatique
Panorama: Golden Gate bridge from the dock of the aquatic parc
Soleil couchant sur le pont du Golden Gate
Sunset on the Golden Gate bridge
Soleil couchant sur le pont du Golden Gate
Sunset on the Golden Gate bridge
Soleil couchant sur le pont du Golden Gate
Sunset on the Golden Gate bridge
Soleil couchant sur le pont du Golden Gate
Sunset on the Golden Gate bridge

Satellite view of the Golden Gate Google maps

Golden Gate on Wikipedia

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