San Francisco: Presidio & Pacific Heights
At the heart of this districts is the Palace of Fine Arts, originally built in 1915 for the Panama Pacific International Exposition, whose reflection on an adjacent water surface add to the grandeur and romanticism of the site. Surrounding areas abound with very steep slopes, forming a rather funny angle with houses.
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Palais des Beaux-Arts (1915)
Palace of FIne Arts (1915)
Palais des Beaux-Arts
Palace of FIne Arts
Palais des Beaux-Arts, le seul monument qui subsiste de l'exposition internationale de Panama-Pacific de 1915
Palace of FIne Arts, the only building that remain from the 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition
Palais des Beaux-Arts
Palace of FIne Arts
Colones surmontées de statues
Columns with statues above
Statues au haut des colonnes
Statues at the top of the columns
Colone et édifice principal
Column and main building
Palais des Beaux-Arts
Palace of Fine Arts
Arc soutenu par des colonnes
Arch maintained by columns
Palais des Beaux-Arts
Palace of FIne Arts
Nature au Palais des Beaux-Arts
Nature at the Palace of FIne Arts
Édifice principal du Palais des Beaux-Arts
Palace of FIne Arts main building
Édifice principal du Palais des Beaux-Arts
Palace of FIne Arts main building
Plaque dédiée à Walter S. Johnson, le plus important collaborateur lors de la reconstruction du Palade
Walter S. Johnson dedicated panel, the most important contributor for the Palace restauration
Vers le Presidio
Toward Presidio
Pente apique devant
Sharp crest ahead
Jolie maison victorienne
Nice victorian house
Jolie maison sur la pente
Nice house on the crest
Jolie maison du nord de la ville
Nice house from the north side of the town
Jolie maison d'inspiration espagnole
Nice spanish style house

Satellite view of the Palace of Fine Arts on Google maps

Palace of Fine Arts on Wikipedia

The Palace of Fine Arts, A Brief History of the Explocatorium's Home

The Panama Pacific International Exposition (San Francisco Memories)

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