San Francisco: Russian Hill & Nob Hill
Russian Hill got its name from a russian cemetery found on the top of the hill during gold rush, a sign of the russian colonization in the region. This is where the famous world's crookedest street, Lombard St., can be found. It slope goes as high as 40%, as a result of digging in mines many years ago.
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Arrivée à Lombard St., mon cable car continue
Arrived at Lombard St., my cable car continues
Attention ! Les courbes de Lombard St. arrivent !
Warning ! Lombard St. curves ahead
Les courbes de Lombard St. (nommée la rue la plus tordue au monde) aident les voitures à descendre la pente de 27 %
Lombard St. curves (named world's crookedest street) help cars go down it's 27% slope
Voitures descendant Lombard St.
Cars going down Lombard St.
Lombard St. et Coit Tower au loin
Lombard St. and Coit Tower afar
Jolis édifices entourant Lombard St.
Nice buildings on Lombard St.
Végétation de Lombard St.
Vegetation on Lombard St.
La rue la plus tordue et la plus photographiée
Most crooked and most photographed street
La pente continue sur Lombard St. au-delà des courbes
Slope continues after the curves on Lombard St.
Jolies fleurs sur un mur avoisinant Lombard St.
Nice flowers on a neighbouring wall Lombard St.
Plantes décorant les courbes de Lombard St.
Plants decorating the curves of Lombard St.
Lombard St.
Lombard St.
Pente de Hyde St. près de Lombard St. avec Fisherman's Wharf et Alcatraz au bout
Slope of Hyde St. near Lombard St. with Fisherman's Wharf and Alcatraz at the end
Moi sur Hyde St. près de Lombard St.
Me on Hyde St. near Lombard St.
Musée des cable cars
Cable cars museum
À l'intérieur du musée se trouvent les moteurs qui tirent les cables auxquels les voitures s'agrippent pour monter les collines
Inside the museum are the engines that pull the cables to which cars hold to climb hills
À chaque ligne correspond un moteur
Each line has its engine
La descente de Washington St. (ligne Powell/Hyde) en cable car
Going down Washington St. (Powell/Hyde line) in cable car
Montrée de Jackson St. en cable car (ligne Powell/Hyde)
Up Jackson St. in cable car (Powell/Hide line)
Intérieur du cable car, avec des gens sur les côtés
Inside the cable car, with people on the sides
La ville vue de Coit Tower
City from Coit Tower

Satellite view on Google maps (click on Satellite to see Lombard St.)

Russian Hill on Wikipedia

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