San Francisco: Telegraph Hill
Originally Goat Hill, because of the goats that lived on it, Telegraph Hill is hard to miss now with Coit Tower at its — a Art Deco 210-foot tower raised above Pioneer Park. Staircases going up Telegraph hill are surrounded by wonderful gardens maintained by the local residents, who's houses border this boardwalk, which appears to be a well kept secret as much as a place accessible to any curious visitor. Signs with street names along the stairways try to convince us against common logic that the hill did not interrupt the streets continuing on the opposite hillside.
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Coit Tower (1933) de nuit
Coit Tower (1933) by night
Coit Tower de nuit
Coit Tower
Coit Tower
Statue de Christophe Colomb devant Coit Tower
Christopher Columbus statue in front of Coit Tower
Du haut de Coit Tower, photographes à l'oeuvre
From the top of Coit Tower, photographers on duty
Arche de Coit Tower
Coit Tower arch
Soleil couchant du haut de Coit Tower
Sun setting from the top of Coit Tower
Statue de Christophe Colomb au bas de Coit Tower
Christopher Columbus below Coit Tower
Les escaliers de Filbert St. menant à Coit Tower
Stairway from Filbert St. going to Coit Tower
Escaliers de Filbert St. menant vers Coit Tower
Filbert St. stairway going to Coit Tower
À la croisée des chemins
Escalier partant de l'Embarcadero vers Coit Tower
Stairway from Embarcadero to Coit Tower
Napier Lane
Napier Lane
Napier Lane
Napier Lane
Napier Lane
Napier Lane
Escalier en fleurs
Flourish stairway
Jolie maison du coin
Nice house around the place
Fleurs blanches de l'escalier Filbert
White flowers from the Filbert steps
Fleurs blanches
White flowers
Fleur pêche de l'escalier Filbert
Peach flower from Filbert steps
Fleurs rouges et mauves de l'escalier Filbert
Red and mauve flowers from Filbet steps
Petite maison adjacente à l'escalier
Small house beside the stairway
Détail sur une fleur blanche
Detail on a white flower
Place Darrell
Darrell Place
Fleurs orangées de l'escalier Filbert
Orange flowers from the Filbert steps
Plaque de l'escalier Filbert, de la place Darrell et de Napier Lane, à l'honneur de Grace Marchant
Panel on Filbert Steps, Darrell Place and Napier Lane, to the honor of Grace Marchant
Coit Tower là-haut
Coit Tower up there
Escaliers de Filbert, intersection Filbert et Montgomery St.
Filbert Steps, Filbert and Montgomery St. intersection
Quais vus de l'intersection Filbert et Montgomery St.
Piers seen from Filbert and Montgomery St. intersection
Les escaliers se tordent, mais sont toujours aussi bien décorés
Steps are crooked, yet as nicely decorated
Coit Tower vu de l'escalier Filbert
Coit Tower from Filbert Steps
Panorama : Intersection Filbet St. / Kearny St.
Panorama: Filbet St. / Kearny St. Intersection

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