WWDC2005 in San Francisco
The first reason why I came to San Francisco: the Apple Worldwide Developer Conference, for which I was granted a student scholarship. In addition to a really busy schedule during the conference, a visit of the Apple campus at Cupertino was planned.
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Le Moscone Center est prêt pour le World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC)
Moscone Center is ready for the World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC)
Bannières sur le rez-de-chaussée du Moscone Center
Banners on the Moscone ground floor
Autre vue sur les bannières
Other view on banners
La foule au premier étage lors du souper
Crown on second floor during dinner
La pomme sur la façade du Moscone Center
The apple on the Moscone Center facade
Plusieurs bornes composées de 4 écrans Apple Cinema Display de 30 pouces nous indiquent l'horaire de la journée
Many terminals build with four 30 inches Apple Cinema Displays show today's schedule
Facade du Moscone Center
Moscone Center facade
Foule attendant les autobus pour le voyage vers le campus d'Apple
Crowd waiting for buses to travel down to Apple Campus
Entrée du Campus d'Apple, 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino
Apple Campus entrance, 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino
Édifice du campus d'Apple, vu de la cour intérieure
Building from the Apple Campus, from the inner yard
Édifice principal, de nuit
Main building, at night
Édifice principal du 1 Infinite Loop vu sous un autre angle
1 Infinite Loop building from another angle
Pub pour le iPod Shuffle à l'intérieur de l'édifice principal
iPod Shuffle ad inside the main building

Satellite view of the Apple Campus at 1, Infinite Loop, Cupertino, Ca on Google maps

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