California's Lighthouses
My bike adventure on the coast included two stays in lighthouses which adjacent buildings were converted in youth hostels. The first one was the Point Montara lighthouse (1875), and the second one the Pigeon Point lighthouse (1872).
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Affiche de l'auberge de Point Montara
Point Montara Lighthouse Hostel panel
Phare de Point Montara, datant de 1875. La structure de fonte actuelle, de 9 m, a été construite en 1928.
Point Montara historic 1875 lighthouse. The current cast iron, thirty-foot tower was built in 1928.
Vol de pélicans
Pelicans passed by
Lumière du phare de nuit
Light from the lighthouse by night
Le phare de Point Montara au matin
Point Montara lighthouse in the morning
Brouillard sur l'annexe et le phare
Fog on the annex and lighthouse
Phare de Point Montara
Point Montara lighthouse
Phare de Pigeon Point au loin
Pigeon Point Lighthouse afar
Entrée du phare de Pigeon Point
Pigeon Point Lighthouse entrance
J'y suis arrivé !
I made it !
Phare de Pigeon Point, construit en 1872, mesurant 35 m, est l'un des plus haut des États-Unis.
Pigeon Point Lighthouse, built in 1872, measuring 130 feet, is one of the tallest lighthouses in United States.
Phare de Pigeon Point
Pigeon Point Lighthouse
Phare de Pigeon Point et moi
Pigeon Point Lighthouse and me
Phare de Pigeon Point
Pigeon Point Lighthouse
Phare de Pigeon Point
Pigeon Point Lighthouse
Phare de Pigeon Point et lune
Pigeon Point Lighthouse and moon
Phare de Pigeon Point au soleil couchant
Pigeon Point Lighthouse at sunset
Le soleil se lève, quelle joie !
Sun raises, what a pleasure !
Phare de Pigeon Point
Pigeon Point Lighthouse
Phare de Pigeon Point
Pigeon Point Lighthouse

Satellite view of Pigeon Point on Google maps

California State Parks: Point Montara Light Station

California State Parks: Pigeon Point Light Station SHP

Brochure from California State Parks: Pigeon Point Light Station

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