Transportation systems in San Francisco
The Cable Car, a transportation system typical to San Francisco, allows one to go up the many hills of the city. It allowed access to all hills for citizens when it was inaugurated. The street cars are also a landmark, with cars coming from all around the world. In addition to these two modes, the region offers many options for public transit.
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Une fois arrivé à l'aéroport de San Francisco, la liaison vers le BART se fait avec le AirTrain
Once arrived at the San Francisco airport, the liaison to the BART is done using the AirTrain
Plaque commémorative pour le constructeurs du système des cable cars, Andrew S. Hallidie
Commemorative panel for the developer of the cable cars systems, Andrew S. Hallidie
Cable cars sur Powell St.
Cable cars on Powell St.
Des gens montent dans le cable car de Powell et Market
People climb aboard Powell and Market cable car
Cable car montant Powell St.
Cable car going up Powell St.
Départ de cable cars de Hyde St.
Hyde St. cable car departure
Contrôles du cable car et petit curieux
Cable car controls and a curious little one
Arrivée à Lombard St., mon cable car continue
Arrived at Lombard St., my cable car continues
Pente de Hyde St. près de Lombard St. avec Fisherman's Wharf et Alcatraz au bout
Slope of Hyde St. near Lombard St. with Fisherman's Wharf and Alcatraz at the end
Musée des cable cars
Cable cars museum
À l'intérieur du musée se trouvent les moteurs qui tirent les cables auxquels les voitures s'agrippent pour monter les collines
Inside the museum are the engines that pull the cables to which cars hold to climb hills
À chaque ligne correspond un moteur
Each line has its engine
La descente de Washington St. (ligne Powell/Hyde) en cable car
Going down Washington St. (Powell/Hyde line) in cable car
Montrée de Jackson St. en cable car (ligne Powell/Hyde)
Up Jackson St. in cable car (Powell/Hide line)
Intérieur du cable car, avec des gens sur les côtés
Inside the cable car, with people on the sides
Terminus de cable cars de Powell
Powell cable car terminus
Terminus de cable cars de Powell
Powell cable car terminus
Montée de Powell St. en cable car
Going up Powell St. in cable car
Montée de Jackson St. en cable car
Going up Jackson St. in cable car
Descente de Hyde St. en cable car
Going down Hyde St. in cable car
Cables soutenant les fils électriques alimentant les steetcars, à l'intersection de Market St. et de Steuart St.
Cables holding electrical wires for powering streetcars at the intersection of Market St. et de Steuart St.
Ligne de streetcar longeant l'Embarcadero vers Fisherman Wharf
Streetcar line following the Embarcadero up to Fisherman Wharf
Streetcar longeant l'Embarcadero vers Fisherman's Wharf
Streetcar riding along Embarcadero to Fisherman's Wharf
Streetcar longeant l'Embarcadero
Streetcar riding along Embarcadero

Cable car on Wikipedia

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